Out of boredom and idle hands, grew a passion.
Hello there! My name is Gwen and I am an Arizona girl, born and raised. I have a passion for painting with watercolors, and I am beginning the journey of turning a hobby into a...well, paying hobby.
I had found myself surfing the web at work one day, when I stumbled upon a time-lapse video of an artist painting with watercolor. I had always been fascinated by the textures and softness that comes from using watercolor, so I finally bit the bullet and bought myself a beginner watercolor paint set.
After playing around with the paint, I realized I had found a new love. I began painting more and more, until a coworker of mine suggested I take it one step further and start selling what I created.
I landed on Etsy's website, and the excitement of something new was buzzing in my brain. I needed a name for my shop, which I also kind of fell into--my name, in Welsh, means "wheat." I was named after my great-grandmother, whose married name was Reilly, which meant "rye collector." Wheat? Rye? A shop named after the woman whose name I share and aspire to be like? It all just made sense.
This is my visual journal to keep writings and photographs, collections of my work and links to various inspirations.
Thank you so much for visiting, and please stay awhile!
I believe in chasing your dreams. I believe in whimsy, I believe in all is possible. I am a dreamer, a believer, and a doer.