Hello friends!
I hope December finds you well and warm from the full Thanksgiving bellies. Just a little tidbit on my holiday: this year we were missing my aunt and uncle, who were visiting other family in Alabama. Instead of going all out, we just went out...to the movies!
My family and I enjoyed watching Disney's latest film, Frozen, and then went to a wonderful restaurant called The Keg. I forwent the traditional turkey dinner and opted for some delicious steak instead...and let me tell you, it was so worth it! We wined and dined, catching up with each other even though my family and I all see each other on the regular (we're a Southern family...there's always something to say!). It may not have been the traditional route, and I did indeed miss my aunt and uncle, but I have to admit it was quite nice! No cooking, no dishes, no clean-up at all...that's my kind of holiday! Plus, being out in public keeps the family from getting into arguments, haha.
My lovely Thanksgiving inspired something in me, but I'll be expanding more on it tomorrow. Meanwhile, leave me a little note below and tell me how your Thanksgiving went! What are you thankful for?
My family and I enjoyed watching Disney's latest film, Frozen, and then went to a wonderful restaurant called The Keg. I forwent the traditional turkey dinner and opted for some delicious steak instead...and let me tell you, it was so worth it! We wined and dined, catching up with each other even though my family and I all see each other on the regular (we're a Southern family...there's always something to say!). It may not have been the traditional route, and I did indeed miss my aunt and uncle, but I have to admit it was quite nice! No cooking, no dishes, no clean-up at all...that's my kind of holiday! Plus, being out in public keeps the family from getting into arguments, haha.
My lovely Thanksgiving inspired something in me, but I'll be expanding more on it tomorrow. Meanwhile, leave me a little note below and tell me how your Thanksgiving went! What are you thankful for?
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